Recovery Man #2: Limitations and Capabilities Adult Version


Every undead hero has to know what he or she can do, and what they can’t. See how Jason discovers his ability to channel electrical energy, his amazing flexibility, and his incredible strength. In this episode, Jason learns how to hide his glowing red eyes, pass of his gray, ghoulish looking skin, and his inability to eat or drink with farting fire.


Every undead hero has to know what he or she can do, and what they can’t. See how Jason discovers his ability to channel electrical energy, his amazing flexibility, and his incredible strength. In this episode, Jason learns how to hide his glowing red eyes, pass of his gray, ghoulish looking skin, and his inability to eat or drink with farting fire.

Jason finds a place to hide, a house where the family feel prey to addiction and lost everything, including their place to live. Jason feels, for the first time, the selfishness of his own addiction, and wrestles with his part in the problem. While Jason battles with his conscience, he also begins to feel remorse for the things he did while he was using drugs, and the things he put his family through.

Jason’s sister became involved with drugs because of Jason’s example, and he tries his best to help her. When he realizes he can’t help her, and worse, she doesn’t want his help, Jason is faced with the dilemma of al family members; how to help people who refuse to accept the help?

Jason finds out that, while he has some extraordinary abilities, he isn’t invincible. Jason isn’t even sure that he can’t be killed, again. This episode is about Jason’s new reality; what he can do and what he can’t, and how he got to where is is. While guilt and remorse come crashing down on him, Jason realizes he needs to focus even more on his mission; find Nathaniel and bring an end to addiction once and for all.


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